Thursday, December 28, 2006

Mathematics Of Sudoku

•9 rows, 9 columns, 9 3x3 boxes and 81 cells
•I will refer to rows, columns or boxes as areas
•(p,q) refers to row p and column q
•I number the boxes left to right, top to bottom

How many givens do we need to guarantee a unique solution?

•This is an unknown mathematical problem
•There are examples of uniquely solvable grids with 17 givens

How many givens can we have without guaranteeing a unique solution?

•It is possible to have a puzzle with only four cells blank that is still not uniquely determined

The Number of Sudoku grids

The number of ways of filling in a blank Sudoku grid was shown in May 2005 by Felgenhauer and Jarvis to be 6,670,903,752,021,072,936,960

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